Ephesians 5:19
“peaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord”
I’ve always loved singing. When I was only three years old my mom and dad signed me up for voice lessons. I was accompanied by a few other clueless toddlers and we mostly mumbled and giggled our ways through songs, but by the time I entered my Sophmore year of college, with about a dozen years of voice lessons under my belt, singing was everything.
I sang in the choir at school, had countless solos. I sang in musical theatre, belted notes that left my teachers shocked. I sang the national anthem at games and events. I sang opera songs in recitals and broadway classics at cabaret nights. I sang my life away, but there were always certain melodies that just meant so much more to me.
Worship songs. I’ve always loved singing worship songs, so much so that in high school and college I’d try writing my very own sweet melodies to Jesus. I’d play them over and over again in my head and voice record them in the car when I was all alone, praising my God. I looked up to iconic worship artists like Kim Walker, Misty Edwards, and Steffany Gretzinger. I played songs by Keith Green in my car, overwhelmed by the lyrics and inspired to love God more.
You see, mixing music and Jesus for me was like mixing the best parts of my life. I loved music, but I loved Jesus more and combining the two made up melodies that meant more than any other song I could sing.
Whether you’re a singer or not, play some worship music today. Play it and truly listen to the lyrics. They mean so much more than Cardi B could even try and produce, so much more than Justin Bieber can even write. The lyrics in worship music are drenched with this love and beauty of Jesus and it’s remarkable.