Promises come in all different ways and words. One of the biggest promises I have ever made is the promise that I gave my wife, Annie, when we got married. I promised that until death due us part I was promising myself to her with a commitment to spend the rest of my life with her and only her. That was a promise that I am still keeping.
God fills the Bible with promises that we can cling too. Joshua 1:9. “Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” There is a promise that God is always with us. We can cling to that. John 16:33 has a promise too. Well actually two of them. But what is unusual about one these this promise is that isn’t all roses. There are some thorns or you could say troubles to with this promise. “In this world you will have trouble.” WHAT? Right there it just guaranteed that times like what is happening right now in our world are going to happen. And it is going to suck. And it isn’t going to be fun. But in even in the midst there is HOPE.
Que the second part of this promise. “But take Heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus has won, nothing that happens is a surprise to him. He knows about the Coronavirus. He is a Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and that is who he is. Encourage you to listen to this link below and be reminded that even when things get extremely difficult, troubles of Coronavirus and being stuck at home, god is has overcome.