Revelation 17:14
“These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are called and chosen and faithful.”

I can’t write this like I usually would. Back to school has always felt magical to me, but this new school year feels so far from a fresh start. Everything feels stale and dull. The age of Zoom and online learning, of youtube tutorials and fashionable masks rather than back to school outfits are what we get to look forward to. 

I, like most, truly thought this would all be short-lived. No way it would last into the summer… Yet, here we are navigating a new season, the fall season, with COVID, still being broadcasted on the news, still a topic to chirp on and on about, still something we cover our faces for and lay over the fear of over to God. 

Yet I wake up, I start my strange days, I lean into this new way of living and I can’t help but hear this sweet song in the back of my mind: “Holy, holy, holy. You are holy, holy, holy.” Jesus, in the midst of this seemingly never-ending fog of COVID, mysteriously sits on the throne as perfect royalty. And even in my confusion, some days of heavy fear, he holds my heart. 

If I can trust that Jesus is holding my heart, holding all things together, holding our world close and knowing full well what’s to come, can’t I trust what scripture says? He’s the one who overcame. He overcame all this craziness we see flashing across our TV screens. He overcame evil and corruption in our world. He overcame it on the cross and soon he’ll come to save us.

Yes, online school, the weird season that’s lasted much longer than a season, the uncertainty, the frustration, it’s all going to end. Can we live in momentary discomfort for eternity with the King of Kings?

I wish I had a way to make the back to school jitters and the magic of those first-day feels be real, but the power and beauty and promise of Jesus is so much greater than all that. Today, slow down and turn your eyes to Jesus, lift him higher. Listen to the song below, listen as long as you’d like, but know that the more you press in the closer you get to the heart of the King. Time with Jesus heals, covers, and brings light into the darkness, irritation, confusion, and weariness of our lives.

You have COVID lousy back to school blues, Jesus longs to meet you where you’re at and love you right there.