1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Any of you have anxiety? About life? About School? Friends, family, relationships? If you answer no to all of those questions, please give me a call and coach me on how to be so emotionally and spiritually mature, because I know that I struggle. I also wish that I always handled everything well. How many of you identify that you are feeling anxious or upset, immediately turn to God every time and then feel relieved and ready to continue? (Again, if you are able to do this, please give me a call, I will pay, and coach me on how to be so perfectly disciplined).
As times get tough, I know that I can turn to God, but I also like to cast my anxiety on my friends or family. I turn to them with my problems, not necessarily looking for them to help me grow, I just want reassurance. Like, if they would try and be the voice of reason, I’m like, “no, no, I don’t want advice, I just want sympathy.” Well, I hate to break it to you, Chase, but sometimes you need advice. I need a person to push me towards God and be real with me. Sometimes I am wrong… sometimes a friend agreeing with my anger and “teaming up” with me only creates more of a problem. I need the cold, hard, earnest truth. Now don’t get me wrong, leaning into the support of your community is necessary (see 1 John 1:7, Galatians 6:2, Proverbs 27:17) but how often does your “emotional processing” turn into a gossip and roast session?
We as people want safety and so we build up walls. We make our walls stronger by tearing others down…classic, right? That is why it is hard to turn to God with our anxiety sometimes. God is not going to sit there with you eating ice cream at 10:00 PM and tell you that the person you are upset with is all wrong and deserves the worst. No, thankfully, God is going to put on your heart the ways that YOU can change and the ways that YOU can grow.
Growth is hard, gossip is easy.
In the verse directly before “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you,” it says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” I think our friend Peter was on to something here. As a precursor and foundation to our growth during our therapy session with God, we need to recognize that we ALWAYS have somewhere to grow, and God will grow us when the time is ready. Your trials and your pain will show you how good God is. If you don’t believe me, ask James. In the book of James, he praises trials for the growth opportunity, saying that we should even “consider it pure joy.”
This week, when you are feeling overwhelmed, attacked, angry, or mistreated, talk to your friend but also talk to God. Cast your anxiety on HIM, He actually cares for you (so much so that He died for you so that your problems won’t be the end for you). Watch as He uses your pain and your joy to grow you into who you are meant to be, a witness for and recipient of His grace.