John 15:4
“Remain in me…”
What does it mean to be a friend of God?
I’ve recently been reflecting on this phrase because I think at one point in my life I thought that it was wrong to call God a friend. It seemed disrespectful to call the God of the entire universe something as casual as a friend.
Through scripture, God has been showing me what He says about being my friend, so let’s dig into some passages.
One place I have been camping out the most in is John 15. In this chapter, Jesus refers to his disciples as his friends and makes three statements expressing this friendship.
#1 He says that the greatest love a friend can display is to lay down their own life for another. (John 15:13) – Christ demonstrated this love on the cross. You likewise are to lay down your desires and wants for the good of others.
#2 He says if you are His friends, you will do as He has commanded. (John 15:14) – Jesus modelled this through his obedience to God and told you to do the same. A friend is someone who you trust and put that trust into action.
#3 Jesus says He no longer calls you servant, but a friend and makes known to you God the Father. (John 15:15) – Your friendship with Jesus invites you into an intimacy of knowing God the Father. Jesus offers transparency to you, and you should provide that to your friends as well.
These scriptures also remind me that God is the one who pursued me. He is the one that invited me into a relationship with Him and has radically changed my life.
“Remain in me…”
– John 15:4
These are the words Jesus said to His disciples. This is both an invitation and a command from our Savior. He is inviting you into close fellowship and friendship with Him. He is also commanding you because remaining in Him is essential to survival.
Can you say that you have a friendship with God? If God was your friend, you would talk to Him on a regular basis. If God was your friend, you would take time to be quiet and listen to Him. If God was your friend, you would care about the things He cares about. Jesus promised that He will remain in us as we remain in Him. What can you do today to further develop a friendship with God?