I’m Made New.  Well, at least I’m trying to be. Christ promises to make us new when we decide to make him Lord of our lives. In Ephesians 1:17 Paul explains the purpose behind being made new, “to know him personally”

Here is the whole verse in context: Ephesians 1:17 “But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally,  your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for Christians…”

I am reminded of my new little dog, Indy. She is really cute when she’s sleepy. But, she can be a terror when she is awake and full of energy and curiosity. A few days ago I packed her up to get into the car for a play-date. She was about to experience hours of fun, running through grass with people, excitement, and all the joy she could possibly experience. I had a fantastic day planned for her. However, the entire car ride up to our location (approximately 45 minutes) she whined and complained. Now usually she loves the car, but today she was upset because she wanted to play with her ice cube; but, I didn’t let her.

And while I was in the car annoyed at her constant complaining I was reminded of what Jesus promises. He offers us hope, clarity, purpose, and a personal relationship with him. Sometimes we need to do things we don’t want to do at the moment to get to what he has planned for us, but he promises it’s for our good even though he doesn’t have to. And though I tried to tell little Indy that the fun she was about to experience was worth the wait, she just didn’t get it. And so often we don’t get or understand the magnitude of what God is working on and this is why Paul teaches us the pathway of being “made new.”

Focus on Jesus, be thankful for what he has given us, and be focused on him so that you understand and grasp just a little more of the glorious life he has for you. May you see the annoying and seemingly insignificant parts of your life this week as opportunities to be made new.