Ephesians 6:7
“Serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord, not people.”

Serving. That’s a hard one for us. Why? Because we’re inherently selfish. But I want to encourage you to clear your mind and take a second to think of serving in a whole new way.

You might associate serving with washing the dishes for your mom, taking out the trash cause your dad told you to. Maybe it’s helping a younger sibling with your schoolwork or lending a helping hand when someone needs it. Whatever the case, we have an idea of whats serving is. But every task I just listed usually comes with a heavy sigh and the occasional eye-roll. We serve, sure we do, but we serve with a bad attitude or with irritation behind our every move.

And scripture tells us to serve others wholeheartedly, to serve as if we’re serving the Lord in all we do. What if we made our acts of service with this whole new mindset of serving the Lord. Yes, you’re physically serving people, but beyond that, you’re serving Jesus. Your wholehearted service touches the heart of God.

Did you know that? All that you do for others, the way you love your neighbor, the way you share about Jesus, the way you serve your family and friends touch God’s heart. It stirs up joy in his heart. Wild that the way we live affects the heart of God. Let’s keep that in mind as we serve and live lives that move and touch the very heart of our God.