Exodus 3:7-8
“The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey”
We have been talking about waiting for the Lord to answer our prayers. When I think about this, a song that I learned in VBS comes to mind that says, “Pharaoh Pharoah, oh baby let me people go, yeah yeah yeah..?” This song is talking about a man named Moses who God sent to talk with Pharaoh, Egypt’s King. Pharaoh had enslaved God’s people and they were constantly praying to be set free. But you know what the crazy thing is? It took around 430 years for God to send Moses to help them be free. God is faithful, He did ultimately free His people and help them build a new life for themselves, but it took a long time.
There were crazy events that happened while the Israelites, God’s people, were praying for freedom. For instance, the Pharaoh at one point demanded that all baby boys be killed. We don’t know for sure what happened to all of the babies, but we do know that Moses, the man from the song, was a baby during this time and God protected him. Though God may not answer your prayers quickly, watch out for ways that He is caring for you, just like He did for baby Moses, this week while you wait.
Pull out your bible and journal and read through that Exodus verse again with me. Think about your prayers, how might God be answering them? Is his silence deafening or is there something to learn in the silence?