Proverbs 3:6
“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
We stray. We fall short. We end up turning down some winding road that’s truly so far from the path God has for us. We make choices and get bored and just like that, we’ve strayed.
You’re not alone. If you feel like you’ve strayed straight into a danger zone or you’ve strayed into a state of complete isolation, you’re not the only one facing the repercussions of straying.
We all do it. We get a little sidetracked or take a wrong turn. I’m not saying it’s okay or justifiable, I’m just acknowledging that there is no one who can honestly state they’ve never strayed from the Lord. But, what I am saying and hoping will strike a real and authentic chord with you is that staying close, staying near, staying in tune saves us from straying. Stay, don’t stray.
There was a time in my life when I turned, I was straying for months. I let my bible sit, collect dust day in and day out, and I brushed off bible studies and good deep chats with friends. I wanted nothing to do with it and the more I strayed, the more I slowly but surely turned.
What’s scary about turning is where your back then faces. In a matter of just a few months, my back was turned on Jesus, turned on his plans for me, turned on his guidance and comfort. I decided to walk in my own direction, make my own decisions, and do things without the help of a good and gracious God.
Praise the Lord he’s good and gracious though, because living for myself, running around in the world thinking I knew best led to hurt, hard falls, and nothing but fear and shame. His goodness and graciousness are what invited me back into relationship with him. He showed me where I had slowly strayed, but lovingly guided me back to the path he had for me. Sure time had passed, time I could have spent running down wide open roads with Jesus, the lover of my soul, but I was now back on track, my back turned toward a world of sin and disappointment and I ventured back into life with Jesus.
If you’ve strayed, feel far from the good and gracious God you used to know, it’s not too late. He’s still that good and gracious God, waiting for you to run into his open arms. Take time today to turn. If you know deep down in your heart that you’ve strayed and that your back has slowly turned, pay attention to the small tug on your heart to turn back and find that path with Jesus.
Spend a few minutes journaling and praying. Making this change isn’t easy, but there are people placed in your life to walk with you through this turn and Jesus is patient and understanding, willing to work through every doubt and question you may have during this transition.